We report, as requested by the Embassy of Italy in Tel Aviv:
One of the responsibilities of the Embassy is to put in place all the measures, indicated by the Crisis Management Unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to facilitate the eventual rescue of Italian citizens who might be in danger. To such purpose, we recommend to all fellow citizens temporarily travelling to Israel to register their trip in the website dovesiamonelmondo.it managed by the Crisis Management Unit and at the Embassy. Such measures are crucial especially in case of emergency evacuation in case, for instance, of environmental disaster or a worsening of the safety conditions.
Other useful links are:
Italian Institutions:
www.italia.it/en/home.html, Italian Tourism Official Website
www.gksoft.com/govt/en/it.html, List of Italian Goverment Bodies
www.mincomes.it, Ministry of Economical Development
www.finanze.it, Finance Department
www.istat.it: National Statistical Institute
www.bancaditalia.it, Bank of Italy
www.assocamerestero.com The Network of the Chambers of
Commerce Abroad
www.unioncamere.it, Unioncamere, Italian Union of the Chambers of
Italian Institutions in Israel:
www.ambtelaviv.esteri.it/Ambasciata_TelAviv/ Embassy of Italy in Israel
www.ice.gov.it/paesi/asia/isreale/ufficio.htm Italian Trade Commision
www.jija.org Jerusalem Jews Italian Association
Italian Investment and Development Agencies:
www.sviluppoitalia.it, Italy Development
www.itp-agency.org, Investement Agency for Turin and the Piedmont Region
Trade Fairs Organisers In Italy:
www.fieramilano.com: Fiera Milano
www.veronafiere.it: Verona Fiere
www.bolognafiere.it: Bologna Fiere
www.padovafiere.it: Padova Fiere
www.vicenzafiera.it: Vicenza Fiere
www.fierarimini.it, Rimini Fiere
www.immcarrara.com: Fiera Carrara
Trade Fairs Organisers In Israel:
www.fairs.co.il: The Israel Trade Fair Center
www.kenes.com: Kenes Conventions and Exhibitions Organizer
www.ortra.com: Ortra Conventions and Exhibitions Organizer
Italian Press
www.ilsole24ore.com, Il Sole 24 Ore
www.corriere.it, Il Corriere della Sera
www.repubblica.it La Repubblica
www.lastampa.it, La Stampa
Other Italian links:
www.science.co.il/ Israel Science and Technolo